Made in Europe. Tried and tested GC flower spectrum for maximum active ingredients and terpenes.
Key Features
Extended Spectrum
As with the seriesX, we of course also use a full spectrum (365 to 780 nm) expanded to include UV light and Far-Red for the GC-EUROPE. You can look forward to higher active ingredient and terpene contents, controllable linear growth and significantly higher photosynthesis rates.
Freuen Sie sich auf höhere Wirkstoff- und Terpenengehalte, steuerbaren Streckenwuchs und signifikant höhere Photosyntheseraten.

The GC-EUROPE is an LED plant lamp. Its spectrum is optimized for cannabis cultivation. In principle, it is suitable for all types of plants.
For indoor cultivation, the GC-EUROPE is well suited for areas between 0.6m2 and 1m2 . This corresponds, for example, to the following common grow box formats:
80cm x 80cm = 0,64m²
120cm x 60cm = 0,72m²
90cm x 90cm = 0,81m²
100cm x 100cm = 1m²
Of course, the GC-EUROPE can also be used on smaller areas such as 60cm × 60cm. It could just be that the lamp then needs to be dimmed to avoid problems with too much light or heat.
It is also possible to illuminate larger areas than 1m². However, the lighting intensity then drops, which can lead to undesirable cultural effects.
Basically, the gardener has to decide on which area the 675 µmol should be distributed. 0.6m² to 1m² is our recommendation for cannabis cultivation with a guarantee of success.
Questions, requests or suggestions? Simply contact us here and we will get back to you.