Compact in design, innovative technology, and convincing prices: these are our LED plant lamps for everyone who wants to give their plants the right kick for smarter growth at home.

Key Features
Extended Spectrum
Wie bereits in der Vorgänger-Generation setzen wir auch bei der GC-PURE selbstverständlich auf ein um UV-Licht und Far-Red erweitertes Vollspektrum (365 bis 780 nm).
Freuen Sie sich auf höhere Wirkstoff- und Terpenengehalte, steuerbaren Streckenwuchs und signifikant höhere Photosyntheseraten.

Clever Lighting
Die GC-PURE The GC-PURE is based on the most popular square tent sizes and the light output of conventional sodium vapor lamps.

The compact module has a toggle switch. On the underside of the GC-PURE, highly efficient full-spectrum chips ensure a spectrum that is optimally utilized by the plants.
From breeding to cuisine.
The GC-PURE is designed for demanding users, be it as a hobby or for private gardening.
Contact us directly.
Questions, requests or suggestions? Simply contact us here and we will get back to you.